PreCooling is an international (enterprise) company with highly skilled engineers, who in cooperation with the world's leading (companies) experts has developed PreCooling energy efficiency improvement system. PreCooling energy efficiency improvement system helps (of which) to reduce energy consumption up to 41% in the field of refrigeration and air-conditioning and to increase the cooling capacity up to 37%. PreCooling uses the renewable resources – water – as the basis for energy saving. PreCooling technology reduces the companies‘ expenses, which permits to be competitive and reduce the air pollu tion.
Already nowadays similar systems are often used by the world leading enterprises, such as Philip Morris, Beko, Ikea, Schneider Electric, Soriana, Vodafone the sales of which have been influenced by PreCooling.
PreCooling energy efficiency improvement system has been created to reduce the refrigeration and air-conditioning energy consumption up to 41% and to increase the cooling capacity up to 37%, which is an essential factor in this sector. PreCooling is one of the most effective systems in the world, capable of producing savings and depreciation of invested assets within the shortest possible time.
PreCooling has been created with the highest energy efficiency degree in the energy efficiency sector, it can be easily adjusted to any refrigerating or air-conditioning system and has been developed to make its maintenance as cheap as possible and so that the upkeep takes as little time as possible.
The PreCooling system is designed for all types of refrigeration units that cool themselves with air
Inasmuch as the pollution of nature is the world’s global problem, PreCooling is the system created to reduce substantially CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Let's protect nature.